February 3rd 2023: Yesterday the first public employee strike in more than 20 years began in Portland. The strike by municipal employees happened after talks with the Laborers Local 483 and city leaders failed. The talks had been going on for months but no agreement could be reached with the union over the main points which seem to be a cost of living increase as well as workplace safety concerns.
The strike affects 615 members of the union which only represents 10 percent of the workforce with the member spread over departments across the city. Because of the threat of a strike Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler signed an emergency order to hire contactors and vendors to do some of the work that the Local 483 union members usually do.
It remains to be seen what effect the strike will have although its likely some work could be delayed such as maintenance projects. Because of inflation and rising cost of living increases talks between public employees and governments are likely to be tough in many places not just Portland. In this case we hope the city and, the union Local 483 can come to an agreement soon as strikes are not good for anyone.
Update February 5th 2023:
The city workers strike by members of Laborers Local 483 union after three days. The union and Portland have come to terms over cost of living increases and workplace safety concerns. The agreement still has has to be voted on and approved by the Portland City Council.